Trust Cats in PDX
I am purrleased to announce that three out of the five Trust Cats are now in my beloved hometown of Portland, Oregon.
We had a grrrrreat turnout of volunteers and were able to install the sculptures in about three hours! Meowzers! Thank mew to those who came out to help and have offered to keep an eye on the kitties.
And big hanks to friend and Portland Winter Light Festival Creative Director, Chris Herring, for giving the cats a temporary home. We ran into each other at the Trust installation site at Burning Man and started talking about bringing the cats to Portland. And we did!
If you are in, or planning to visit, the Portland Metro area, the cats will be on display for FIVE MONTHS - and they get to be part of the Portland Winter Light Festival too!!!
You can find them in the South Park Blocks near the corner of SW Park and SW Main in downtown Portland, across from The Mark Building which is part of the Portland Art Museum.
If you do go, please take photos of yourself with them and share on FB and IG.
Spread the kittie love and tell your friends!